Hot flashes, acne in your 60s, paper dry skin, and hair loss – these are the joys of menopause, when you stop menstruating and your estrogen levels plummet. With all of these changes, how you care for your skin should change, as well.

We  know it feels like your skincare needs are ignored in the media, but most of Montaser patients are women in this stage of life.

Care for menopausal/ mature/ better-than-50 skin means you need More of All The Things. More hydration, more emollients, more actives — yet, and perhaps most importantly because our natural healing process slows as we age, more gentle. (Yep, using gentle as a noun here.)

Key worker ingredients include:
⭐️         Water (the. only. ingredient. on. the. planet. that. hydrates.)                   because well-hydrated skin does everything better
⭐️         Antioxidants such as Vitamin A,B5, C, and E (there are many more;                these  just come readily to mind)
⭐️         Ceramides (to keep skin’s natural moisture barrier strong)
⭐️         Humectants such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid (HA), polysaccharides
⭐️         Emollients such as butters, oils (squalane, marula, argan, hemp),
⭐️         Occlusives such as waxes
⭐️         Peptides to boost skin firmness, thickness, strength, and bounce
⭐️         Gentle levels of Exfoliating actives such as lactic acid , salicylic acid
⭐️         Your favourite SPF Sunscreen

Although we can now get many essentials in single-ingredient formulas, the most efficient regimen will include elements that combine multiple hard-working ingredients for you in a hydration-boosting base.

Montaser  Treatment home care plan :

Morning (am)
