Rosacea is a skin condition characterized by broken (extra) blood vessels on the face, flushing and blushing of facial skin, and by acne-like bumps that occur on the cheeks, nose and chin.1,2These bumps are primarily located around the mouth. In addition, rosacea can affect the eyes, causing irritation that is sometimes severe.3. The disease is more frequently diagnosed in women; however, more severe symptoms tend to be seen in men that could result from a delay in seeking medical attention until the disorder reaches advanced stages.

In searching for the causes of rosacea, experts have identified one hint: rosacea affects predominantly sun-exposed sites.4 Beyond distribution on the face where the sun typically shines, rosacea has been identified as occurring predominantly on the side of an individual’s face nearest the window of their vehicle. For individuals with rosacea, various stimuli such as heat, exercise, consumption of wine or other alcohol, sunlight, and a variety of other stimuli cause their very responsive blood vessels in the face to dilate and fill up. Such stimuli can cause a temporary worsening of the symptoms of rosacea but they are not believed to cause the veins to occur.


Rosacea Topical Treatment 

While the cause of rosacea is unknown and there is no known cure, skin treatments are available to help control the signs and symptoms of this potentially life-disruptive disorder. When appropriate, treatments with lasers, intense pulsed light sources may be used to remove visible blood vessels, reduce extensive redness or correct disfigurement of the nose.


Montaser Treatment Protocols

Topical Montaser Cosmeceuticals products  strongly recommended to treat rosacea. In most cases these treatments are designed to affect the papular component of rosacea, and not to reduce spider veins.2

  1. Enzyme Moist plus  This is a milder cleanser and exfoliater formula that’s specifically meant to reduce redness and irritation caused by the condition.
  2. Rejuvenating Vitamin E Serum is a fat-soluble vitamin helps treat skin through anti-inflammatory mechanisms
  3. Calm Moist Plus  helps repair the barrier properties to assist skin build healthy collagen and have a smoother surface, it also  employs in attempts to reduce the flushing and blushing associated with rosacea.
  4. Daylight Defense,Sunscreen is a must, a minimum of SPF 30 with broad spectrum coverage. The significant asymmetric redness of individuals who spend significant time in the car speaks to the need for UVA protection. In addition, it speaks to the need for window films on vehicles. A UV-blocking window film can block out 99% of UVA; the UVB is blocked by the glass itself.


Clinical Laser Treatment  

The only treatment that addresses the root cause of rosace, the extra blood vessels themselves, is laser treatment. Lasers that target hemoglobin are  used to treat skin and thus have a long safety record. To treat linear facial vessels, rosacea, scars and small spider veins of the legs, an even longer wavelength of light was produced—595 nm.5,6

Generally, two to four laser treatments are administered at four or more week intervals to treat rosacea.




1.AM Kligman, A personal critique on the state of knowledge of rosacea, Dermatology 208 191–197 (2004)

2.JQ Del Rosso; JE Wolf, Jr.; J Leyden; LE Millikan; RB Odom; and A Shalita, The treatment of rosacea, Cutis 73, 34–36 (2004)

3.AM Kligman, Ocular rosacea, current concepts and therapy, Arch Dermatol, 133 89–90 (1997)

4.R Marks, The enigma of rosacea, J Dermatolog Treat 18 (6) 326–328 (2007)

5..EF Bernstein, The new-generation, high-energy, 595 nm, long pulse-duration pulsed-dye laser effectively removes spider veins of the lower extremity, Lasers Surg Med 39 218–24 (2007)

6..EF Bernstein and A Kligman, Rosacea treatment using the new-generation, high-energy, 595 nm, long pulse-duration pulsed-dye laser, Lasers Surg Med 40 233–239 (2008)